Orion Nebula

How James Webb Space Telescope finds crucial molecule for life hidden in Orion Nebula?

The James Webb Space Telescope has once again revolutionized astronomy with its unprecedented infrared vision. As NASA’s most advanced space telescope observing in the near and mid-infrared, it has delivered groundbreaking observations of distant celestial bodies. Nestled inside the Orion Nebula‘s stellar nursery, this engineering marvel has now discovered interstellar methyl cation – the first complex organic molecule detected in…

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Orion Nebula

20 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Orion Nebula Revealed!

The Orion Nebula, also known​ as Messier​ 42​ оr NGC 1976,​ is​ a spectacular celestial object located​ in the constellation​ оf Orion.​ It​ is one​ of the most intensely studied celestial objects​ in the night sky. The nebula has​ a diameter​ оf about​ 24 light-years and​ іs approximately 1,344 light-years away from Earth.​ As​ a stellar nursery, the Orion Nebula…

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Planet Mars

Did life exist on Mars?

Mars, sometimes referred to as the “Red Planet,” has long captured the interest of scientists and the general public due in large part to its potential to be the home of extraterrestrial life. There is a chance that microbial life could exist on Mars despite the planet’s harsh and unforgiving environment, which includes high radiation levels, extreme temperatures, and a…

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